My first few months of homeschooling were nothing but guilt trips and feelings of fear of failing my kids and not doing enough. How can I become a better homeschool mom? It was always on my radar. Then, I will see Instagram reels and Facebook posts of how organized everyone’s homeschooling space was, and the…
Best Homeschooling Quotes For Moms In Need of Motivation
I wish that when I started homeschooling, someone had told me there is no right or wrong way to homeschooling. And that some days are gonna be tougher than others. I will experience days where I would feel like I am not doing enough. Days where I would feel like I was failing my kids…
Best Educational Shows For All Ages
I’ve seen many parents asking for the best educational shows for all ages on some of the homeschooling Facebook groups I am part of. So I’ve decided to pull together this list. If you are one of the many parents searching high and low for the best educational shows for all ages you’re in luck!…
What Is The Difference Between Montessori And Charlotte Mason
Homeschooling is a deeply personal journey. One where parents find themselves navigating a sea of educational philosophies. Each with its own unique approach. Two of the most well-known educational methodologies are Montessori and Charlotte Mason. In this blog post, we’ll dive into the differences between Montessori And Charlotte Mason philosophies to help you make an…
10 Tips For Teaching Kids To Read
Reading is a lifelong adventure that opens doors to knowledge, imagination, and endless possibilities. Teaching kids to read is a precious gift we give them. One that will enrich their lives in countless ways. In this blog post, we’ll explore effective strategies and tips to help you embark on this wonderful journey with your child….